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Tryzub - Ukrainian American Sport Center

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COVID 19 ALL EVENTS ALERTS: Visit website or call or email periodically for notices, alerts, safety protocols and measures and information, for possible date, program or format changes, for possible attendance, advance ticketing and other entry limitations and requirements, and for changes, procedures and updates. 



[Download pdf version] 

In order to safeguard the precious health and safety of our members, member families, guests, visitors, volunteers, the communities we serve, and the general public please take note of, review and comply with the following Health and Safety Policy (RULES), and check our website, email, or call early and often for amendments, updates and additional information, alerts and notices.

Transmissibility Information: Montgomery and Bucks Counties are currently at a MEDIUM transmissibility level; however, this level can change at any time. Any such change may result in amendments to this health and safety policy – these Rules


The following are special health and safety RULES for your presence at and your use and enjoyment of UASC Tryzub’s programs and facilities and for your attendance at UASC Tryzub Events, including, without limitation: The Father’s Day Fest, The Ukrainian Folk Festival and the Golf Tournament. 

CDC GUIDELINES: As a minimum baseline, UASC Tryzub will adhere to and enforce all applicable CDC Guidelines and Restrictions, regardless of whether or not they are mentioned, addressed or modified by the below Rules. In those cases where the below Rules are more restrictive than the CDC Guidelines and Restrictions, they, the Rules, will govern.  


(1) Are Sick, especially with COVID 19;

(2) Have Symptoms of Sickness, especially of COVID 19*;

(3) Have been exposed** to anyone that was sick or had symptoms of illness, especially with or of COVID 19*, unless (a) you have complied with the CDC’s Guidelines on quarantine and isolation*** AND (b) the exposure was more than 11 days ago;

(4) Have Been Sick or Had Symptoms of Sickness, especially with COVID 19 or of COVID 19 *, unless (a) you have fully complied with the CDC’s Guidelines on quarantine and isolation *** AND (b) the end of the sickness and/or the last of the symptoms was or were more than 11 days ago;

(5) Have quarantined or self-isolated or been advised to self-isolate within the last 11 days; or

(6) Believe or even suspect, or have any reason to believe or to suspect, that you can be or are COVID 19 Contagious to others; or

(7) For any reason are not in compliance with the CDC’s COVID 19 standards, recommendations, guidelines, rules and regulations, especially those that pertain to Quarantine and Isolation. See and


* Symptoms of COVID 19 include, but are not limited to: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss or affected sense of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, flu- like symptoms. See

** How to Determine a Close Contact/Exposure for COVID 19: See and

*** CDC’s Quarantine and isolation rules: See and

VACCINATIONS: UASC Tryzub strongly recommends that you be fully vaccinated and up to date with any and all recommended additional boosters to your original vaccination(s). When are you up to date? See


Masks are not required indoors or outdoors; however, they are recommended as follows:

1.    Indoors – unless you are seated eating or drinking – especially during times when the transmissibility rate in either Montgomery or Bucks County is High.

2.    In crowded areas

3.    If you are not fully vaccinated and up to date with boosters

4.    If you are immuno-compromised, over 64 years old, or at high risk for severe disease****, in which case the mask should be one that provides greater protection such as a well-fitting surgical mask or a KN95 mask; also you should talk to your healthcare provider about whether you need to wear a mask and take other precautions.

5.    If you have a household or social contact with someone that is immuno-compromised or at high risk for severe disease, in which case the mask should be one that provides greater protection such as a well-fitting surgical mask or a KN95 mask.

For information about the types of available masks, please see:  and



**** The underlying medical conditions at issue include, but are not limited to: cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung diseases such as COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension, diabetes, dementia or other neurological conditions, diabetes, down syndrome, heart conditions, hypertension, HIV Infection, liver disease, obesity, sickle cell disease, pregnancy, current or former smokers, stroke or cerebrovascular disease and substance abuse disorders. CDC Guidelines:


1. Avoid crowded areas.

2. Do not crowd areas.



1. Persons will not be admitted onto the premises, if they demonstrate symptoms of illness, especially those enumerated in the one star * footnote above;

2. At events, you will be handed a copy of the then obtaining Health and Safety Policy – please read it and abide by the rules.


Please review the CDC’s Guidelines about Large Gatherings and Small Gatherings (as updated on Jan. 27, 2022): . However, please also note the following language in them: “CDC is in the process of updating this page to align with the new COVID-19 Community Levels. Updates will be posted here when available.” Review the new Guidelines when they are published.

ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

In visiting UASC Tryzub’s property you are aware, know, appreciate, understand, acknowledge and agree that:

(1) An elevated, inherent risk of exposure to and contraction of Communicable Diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19*, exists in any public place where people are present or where there is interaction with, between and among the general public. **

(2) It cannot at all be guaranteed that you will not be exposed to or contract COVID-19 or other Communicable Disease by visiting UASC Tryzub’s property and that, as such, potential exposure to or contraction of COVID-19 or other Communicable Disease are risks inherent in your decision to do so.

(3) By visiting UASC Tryzub’s property, you acknowledge and confirm that you understand and expressly assume the risk that you may be exposed to or contract COVID 19 or another communicable disease, and that this risk includes associated dangers that include but are not limited to illness, sickness, medical complications, disease, physical and mental injuries, both foreseen and unforeseen and even death.

(4) COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

By voluntarily visiting UASC Tryzub’s property you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 – those enumerated above and otherwise “all risks”. In addition, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you also agree that you do visit UASC premises voluntarily and with full knowledge and appreciation of the risks, hazards and dangers involved; you expressly and voluntarily acknowledge, assume and accept any and all associated hazards, dangers and risks (including, without limitation, those stated in (1) through (4) above) of exposure to and/or contraction of COVID-19 or other Communicable Disease.


Version 10.22.2023

Ukrainian American Sport Center - Tryzub is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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