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Tryzub - Ukrainian American Sport Center

Join us

All members are voted in by the Tryzub Board of Directors.

Non-Member Affiliate enables an individual to be on our email list. That will enable you to get information about our non-member events such as festivals and charity events (that want to invite non-members).

Tryzub Social Club Membership (Family or Individual) enables you to have access to the facilities anytime we are open.  Social Membership enables you to utilize and rent the facilities for family events or participate in member-only events. Members are mostly from the local area but span all over the world. All Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals parents are members of Tryzub Social Club (Family Membership).

Tryzub Active Membership (Family or Individual) enables you to all privileges of a Social Membership in addition to having a vote at the Tryzub Annual Meeting.  This membership can be applied by sending an email to our membership secretary.

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Ukrainian American Sport Center - Tryzub is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software