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Tryzub - Ukrainian American Sport Center

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  • Mission Statement

Founded in Philadelphia in 1949, the Ukrainian American Sport Center (“UASC” or “Tryzub”, as it is known in Ukrainian) is a 501(c)(3) federally tax exempt nonprofit institution of charity that is also exempt from local and state taxes. It consists of over 600 ethnically and culturally diverse member families and is dedicated exclusively to charitable work: sport, youth and adult development, charitable and humanitarian activities, fraternity, society, and cultural, artistic and ethnic heritage pursuits.

In 1976, UASC developed 39 acres of farmland in Horsham Township into a premier amateur sport, fraternal, social, charitable and cultural venue. Tryzub is best known for its Ukrainian Nationals soccer program which consists of nearly 40 youth and adult teams and a unique soccer academy. These draw participants (both Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian) from through-out the region. UASC also maintains a golf club, an archery team and a youth swim club. Twice a year, Tryzub and the Ukrainian Nationals host youth soccer tournaments that draw hundreds of teams from throughout the Eastern Seaboard and Canada; each heavily promotes and makes significant contributions to charities such as the Travis Manion Foundation for the family and legacy of those in the military that sacrificed their lives for our freedom and to the Fox Chase Cancer Center’ program to fight breast cancer.

UASC has cultivated strong positive relationships with the communities, elected officials and leadership in Horsham and surrounding townships, in Philadelphia, Bucks and Montgomery Counties and even on a statewide level. UASC sponsors a myriad of charitable, societal and fraternal activities for its membership and communities and hosts two annual festivals and outdoor concerts that draw thousands and feature Ukrainian heritage, its art, music, song and dance. It takes a very active role in the life of the Ukrainian American community and the many local communities that surround it. Tryzub routinely cooperates with and supports the needs of local, national and even international charities.

In restated particulars, UASC dedicates itself to charitable pursuits and to community service through any number of mechanisms, including but not limited to the following:

YOUTH AND ADULT SPORTS AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. UASC is home to the Ukrainian Nationals soccer club (also a federally state and locally tax exempt 501c3 charity), which has a sports program consisting of nearly 40 youth soccer teams (ages 19 and younger – boy’s and girl’s, young men’s and women’s), a soccer academy to accommodate all youngsters, a men’s and a women’s U.S. Amateur Soccer Association Majors Division team, a swim club, an archery team and a golf club. The Ukrainian Nationals use UASC’s facilities free of any rent. UASC also, free of charge, constructs, repairs and maintains soccer fields and other sports facilities for the sports club, as is necessary and appropriate. From time to time, UASC also allows the free use of its facilities to soccer teams and sports organizations which are legitimate objects of charity, provided that the use of the facilities (1) fosters and promotes charitable goals and pursuits, both locally and nationally; (2) establishes contact and communications amongst people nationally and internationally towards the goal of world peace and freedom (UASC has sponsored tours by soccer teams from behind the iron curtain in the 1980’s and from the former Soviet Republic of Ukraine in the 1990’s, just as it, in this millennium, has assisted the participation of the North Korean women’s team in the World Cup by allowing them, at the request of State Senator Greenleaf, rent free use of its fields for training. UASC also allowed the Lithuanian-American community, the Ukrainian American community and other eastern European communities, for free, to celebrate milestones with soccer tournaments); and/or (3) promotes health and sound mind, body and society through sport.

TOP SOCCER ACADEMY FOR SPECIAL NEEDS AND CHALLENGED CHILDREN. For all manner of children with special needs (with challenges arising from disabilities), Tryzub sponsors a free charitable soccer academy and program. Tryzub provides these services at its own exclusive cost and expense. These special needs children’s’ parents do not pay anything at all for participation.

CULTURAL PROGRAMS. UASC fosters and promotes the growth of folk art forms and other ethnic cultural traditions by regularly organizing and supporting Ukrainian folk and cultural programming both on its facilities and throughout the community with a particular emphasis on ethnic folk art, dance, music, song and cultural pursuits. Its regular festivals and concerts showcase Ukrainian heritage.

COOPERATION WITH CHARITIES. UASC regularly allows its facilities to be used either rent free or at cost for the righteous fund-raising and other activities of a myriad of charitable organizations. COMMUNITY COOPERATION. UASC cooperates regularly with other 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt charities, both in and outside the Ukrainian American community, on various and sundry charitable pursuits such as cultural programming, the arts, fund drives for charitable ends, and community affairs.

OPEN MEMBERSHIP. The UASC is open to membership and participation by boys and girls, men, women, and their families from the community at large. It is among the most culturally and ethnically diverse organizations in the Delaware Valley. We are most proud of the fact that we are able, in this way, to serve as a conduit for interaction, dialogue and better intercommunity relationships.

Ukrainian American Sport Center - Tryzub is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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