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Tryzub - Ukrainian American Sport Center

Festival Video Previews of Performers

Ірина Лончина «Це моя Україна»

Ірина Лончина - Струни кохання. Українські пісні. Українська музика.

The Resplendent Beauty, Artistry, Precision, Energy and Sheer Power of Ukrainain Dance, as demonstrated by Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble:

ISKRA AND VOLOSHKY Ukrainian Dance Ensembles perform
Hopak, the world's most exciting folk dance

Video Courtesy of Wolodymyr Katolik

Innesa Performs Vittorio Monti's "Czardas":
Video courtesy of Ivan Warnega

Iskra and Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensembles perform “Arkan”
A Hutsul Carpathian Men’s Circle Dance

Video Courtesy of Ivan Warnega

COVID 19 ALERT: Safeguarding Health and Safety and Applicable Rules and regulations may (1) alter the date, content, schedule, program and/or format of the Father’s Day Fest, Festival and other events; (2) require special measures and procedures; (3) limit attendance; (4) require pre-registration and/or ticket purchases in advance; and/or (5) otherwise affect the Festival, Fest or other events.

Check the website often and/or call or email for information and updates!

Ukrainian American Sport Center - Tryzub is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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